Robot Maintenance
(see link to Main Data base of Questions)

1. My Robot Will Not Sink
When "new" the sponge wheels on your robot may be quite firm, or even rock hard. Being a "sponge like material", it is pretty hard to get it to sink when completely dry. Please leave the robot in the pool for 30 mins to allow the sponge wheels to soften up. If after this time, the wheels are not completely soft, take the following actions.
Make sure the robot is up the right way.
Turn ON the control box, with either the remote control, or the power button/switch on the control box
Bring the robot to the edge of the pool with your hands.
The control box will beep 3 times...Then it will beep a fourth time, and the wheels will start to turn.
In about 3 seconds , the pump will start....When it starts, push the robot under the water.... The pump will push the robot to the bottom of the pool.
(CARE....The pump is powerful, and if the impeller cover is facing you, you might get wet)
Leave the Robot on the FLOOR ONLY MODE for the 1st hour, to ensure the wheels are completely saturated, then feel free to turn on the climb mode.
NOTE: If your pool is exceptionally dirty, clean the filter bag, before attempting the climb mode.
2. Best Way to Launch the Robot to minimise Floating time
This technique has been found to be the quickest and easiest way to launch all the Robo-Tek model range - even the Robo-Max. It ensures the quickest removal of trapped air in both the wheels, rollers, and body cavities.
The best and most efficient technique to use when launchng any of the Robo-Tek robots is to launch them initially upside down.
After lifting the robot unit off the caddy and when over the pool surface at point of launch, carefully invert the robot so that the base plate, tracks and wheels are facing upward and the black exhaust fan from the motor and handles are facing downward.
Lower the whole robot into the water. The robot will float happily inverted while all the trapped air escapes. As the bubbles escape and the robot cavities fill, the robot will automatically self right itslef and begin to sink.
As the robot sinks, this is the indication that the majority of the majority of the trapped air has been purged and the robot is now less than neutral buoyancy.
The motor can NOW be turned on.
3. My Robot Will not climb walls after a period of running successfully climbing
It is always best to do the first 1-2hrs of a pool clean by NOT engaging the wall cycle on first start-up or cycle.
The reason for this is to ensure that the the fine sediments have all settled nicely to the bottom of the pool. This now makes it much easier for the robot pick up as much sediment, silt and objects from the floor. Because the robot is spending 100% of its cleaning time covering the floor with 100% suction picking up ALL debris off the floor. The motor exhaust eflux is directed vertically upward pushing the robot to the floor. The eflux is not disturbing the light sediments on the floor. The sediments remain on the floor till the robot passes directly over them.
If the robot climbs the wall, the motor eflux will be directed across the pool floor as it climbs the wall. This will kick up the sediments and debris into a suspended state in the main water column of the pool. This will be impossible for the robot to filter these now floating suspended sediments until they once again fall out of suspension back to the bottom of the pool.
In a very severely contaminated pool, the water will turn opaque or murky as the fine sediments are disturbed by the horizontal motor eflux as it projects horizonatally across through the water column and the bottom of the pool.
To avoid this, it is best to do the 1st 30min-1hr with wall climb de-activated.
Not Climbing to the top of the wall or steps: If the wall climb is activated after 30-60min and the robot does not appear to be climbing very well or reaching the top of the water line, or is having difficulty climbing stairs, it is most likely the first indication that the filter bag is getting slightly clogged by sediment and dirt.
Turn off the robot and remove from the pool. Invert the robot and remove and clean the filter bag under a tap/hose. Replace the filter bag. Resume operation in Wall climb and you will see noticeable improvement.
5. My Remote appears not to work
The most common reason that remotes will not respond, is because they are not in line-of sight to the Power Control Box. If the Power Control Box is tucked behind a pylon, brick wall or some other obstacle i.e if you cannot see it, then the remote control signal will not be seen by the Power Control Box.
The common problem is that people will stand beside the pool watching the robot in action, but not realising that the Power Control Box may be disappearing behind a cement wall or other obstacle obscuring the view to the remote control.
The command from the remote goes via the Power Control Box and then down the umbilical cable to the Robot unit. This is why there may be a fraction of a delay observed between pressing a action button on the remote and seeing the end result movement change on the robot....it all takes time. It is not instant.
If however you are clearly line-of sight and there appears to be no response from the Power Control Box to the remote command, then check or change the battery.
If that does not fix the problem then the remote may be faulty.
Sometimes the enetire remote can fail. Sometimes individual command button functionality can fail.