Our Robots:
Our range of Robots ensures the right model best suited for your unique applcaition. Whether for a small residential pool, large Villa or small resorts, Olympic sized (50mt + pools) for public use or large resort pools, pools with built in obstacles and features such as bar stools, rocks, statues water features, shade umbrellas, rails etc. We have the right trouble free Robotic vacuum cleaning system to keep your pool clean.
Selected Best Pool Robot 2021 - Australia
By Independent Product Review.com.au
Fully Supported, Repairs & Spares:
All Robots are fully supported with Spare Parts and repair service. EnviroPools Asia are the sole distribution and service centre for Robo-Tek/iCleaner Robots for Malaysia and Southern Thailand.
The Robo-Tek/iCleaner range of robots are designed to be DIY repairable with readily available Spare Parts. Or for convenience, our skilled technicians can offer a full repair service on Langkawi

Because they save significant time, labour and money. At the same time providing a far cleaner pool than traditional methods. See advantages and Return On Investment below.

Robo-Plus/iCleaner 120 (Brochure)
The RoboPlus/iCleaner120 is ideal for residential pools and smaller pools, spas, children's pools, wading pools. It can be used in as little as 300mm (18inch) of water.
Powerful motor provides an awesome 290ltrs/min water volumetric rate. This ensures a thorough cleaning of the pool surface and water column. The RoboPlus/iCleaner robot is ideal for small plunge pools or medium/large family pools up to 110,000ltrs (30,000gallons) approx. It can climb walls, clean waterline edges, steps and any surface of pool. Its pre-programmed patterns and built in sensors ensure complete coverage of any pools surface.
It only requires a depth of 300mm (18 inches) of water in which to operate.
Cable: Comes standard with 15 Mtr Cable
Remote: For selecting 1/2hr, 1hr, 2 hr cycles plus manually control to target
specific areas
Filters: Standard with 1 x 70micron + 1 x 20 micron
Caddy: Standard Aluminium caddy and power supply
Power Supply: 29V water safe power.
Options include:​
Waterproof remote control holder
Caddy Sun cover

Robo-Pro/iCleaner 200 (Brochure)
The RoboPro/iCleaner 200 Robot series is ideal for larger pools such as small resorts, private resort pools and larger villas. It has a more powerful motor with an output capable of 302ltr/min of water volumetric rate. It comes with options for length of power chord. Full range of spares and parts available for after sales support to ensure longevity. The units can easily be maintained by pool owners or call for specialist backup if the pool owner requires.
The unit has 2 powerful direct drive motors,. Full electronic monitoring of the electric motors. Large Sponge wheels ideal for any pool surface - concrete, tile, fibreglass, pebble of stone.
The RoboPro/iCleaner robot is ideal for smedium/large family pools up to 125,000ltrs (33,000gallons) approx. It can climb walls, clean waterline edges, steps and any surface of pool.
Remote control: For selecting 1hr, 2hr, 4hr cycle; plus manually control to target specific areas to clean.
Floating and detachable power chord. Two options for length - 20mtr or 30mtr.
Caddy: Standard Aluminium caddy
Filters - 2 x filter bags, choice of 70micron or 20 micron bags
Power Supply: 29V water safe power
Options include:​
Waterproof remote control holder
Caddy Sun cover

Robo-Max/iCleaner 200D (Brochure)
The RoboMax/iCleaner 200D Series is ideal for very large pools such as 50meter Olympic size pools and very large resort pools or public pools. They are in common use in Australian council run swimming pools for public use. These are essentially two Series 200 units in tandem. Gives twice the cleaning speed and power of the standard RoboPro/iCleaner 200 series. It has all the features of the RoboPro/iCleaner 200 series – but on steroids.
It provide a massive 604ltr/min flow rate to cover the large pool with ease in the standard program cycle times. Has the same incredible wall, step and edge cleaning capability ad the RoboPro/iCHRoboter 200 cleaner has.
Comes standard with :
Remote control: For selecting 1hr, 2hr, 4hr cycle; plus manually control to target specific areas to clean.
Floating and detachable 40mtr power chord
Caddy: Standard Aluminium caddy
Filters - 2 x filter bags, choice of 70micron or 20 micron bags
Power Supply: 29V water safe power
Options include:
lifting Device - Manual or Electric
Waterproof remote control holder
Caddy Sun cover

While Current Stocks Last

RoboRover/iCleaner Rover (Brochure)
Designed specifically to handle resort style pools with built-in obstacles such as bar stools, tables, rocks and other obstacles which can prove so difficult for most forms of Pool vacuum cleaning. The short, 2mtr Cable attached to a floating rechargeable battery pack ensures the Rover can safely navigate around the pool and its obstacles without getting its chord tangled. So now once again, the Robot can be put in the pool and it frees up you to go and enjoy other things without worrying about tangles and snagging.
The Rover provides to best of both worlds. Unrivalled flexibility of either a short lead Battery power or a longer Mains powered chord. this enables use between multiple pools. Particularly useful for resort pools.
What Our Robots Can Do:
Contact us For Price
Recent Test Results:
Recent Robotek/iCleaner Robot tests in a resort pool where the pool was purposely contaminated with organic matter, sand, debris and dirt. The robot was run for just 15/50 min before the pool was deemed cleaned by the evaluating Resort Staff. The evidence is in the video :
Advantages & Return on Investment of RoboTek/iCleaner Robots:
Power Saving: The Robo-Tek/iCleaner robots are fully automatic robotic pool vacuum cleaning systems. It uses 240V mains power stepped down to water safe 29V. This is provided via a floating cable to the robotic unit. This is significantly less than the pool pumps which owners currently use.
More Thorough Cleaning than Manual Vacuum: Much more efficient at cleaning walls steps, corners and water lines compared to a manual vacuum cleaner and worker. Less solid material in the water means less consumption of chemicals. It has its own programmed pattern which ensures a random coverage of any pool shape or surface type, It has caterpillar drive belts for traction and foam roller wheels at front and back for added traction and cleaning of the pool’s surfaces. The unit can be set to either 1hr, 2hr or 4 hr automatic cleaning sequence. This can be interrupted at any time by simply turning off the power or changing the timing cycle via the remote control. The remote control also allows the robot to be driven to specific spots in the pool to target specific target area.
Significant Reduction in labour required: The Robo-Tek/iCleaner robot is easily handled by only 1 person. During this automatic cycle, the pool attendant is now free to perform other tasks such as clean the skimmer boxes/gutters, backwash sand filters if required, check water chemistry or perform other maintenance matters – related to the pool or other areas required by the resort. These tasks otherwise would have to wait till he had finished manually vacuuming the pool. It has freed up 1 man for additional duties or work for the duration of the vacuum cycle ie up to 4hrs worth of vacuuming. If a number of workers are currently used to vacuum the pool, there may be potential to reduce the labour force resulting is additional savings in salary or re-allocate the workers to other duties around the resort which will have the same effect as employing an additional worker to complete additional resort jobs.
It takes approx. 20min for a peson to move a Robo-Tek/iCleaner robot to the pool, set it up and take it out and clean the filter and put it away for up to a 4 hr vacuum cleaning cycle. This is a 12:1 saving in man hours combined with a superior result in debris removal compared to the old manual method of vacuuming. This allows re-allocation of manpower to do other jobs in and around the pol or elsewhere in the resort. It effectively increases the current man power or labour force with out putting on extra staff.
Saves Water: During the vacuum process, the Robo-Tek/iCleaner Robot holds ALL the dirt that it vacuums within its microfiber filter bag. This is a 20micron cloth bag which is simply cleaned by a quick wash under a tap or garden hose. The same filter bag will last for several years. It does NOT require regular replacement – simply a quick wash out. Manual vacuum cleaning must discharge its waste water either back to the pool main pump and sand filter system, which then requires a long backwash to clean, or discharge direct o the drain ie the environment….chlorine laden water. Significant savings can be made from this alone. An average 1hp pool vacuum pump discharges 230lt/min. This equates to approx. 421megaltrs per month….this is equivalent to approx. 5 swimming pool’s worth of water per month in volume going straight down the drain and which you must pay for. This price currently varies in Kedah between Rm1.40-Rm2.10/ Mltr.
Reduced backwash’s reduces wasted chemicals. It is difficult to put an exact figure on how much Chlorine and salt are currently being flushed down the drain with every backwash. But an average of 6-10 min would be used at approx. 400lt/min means that new fresh water must be added from the town water supply. This is the same as diluting the pool with the equivalent rainfall. So extra chemical (chlorine, salt, acid, sada ash, stabiliser) has to be added. This increases chemical costs needlessly.
Reduces Chemical use: Because the Robo-Tek/iCHRoboter saves water, by default it saves chemical usage by not discharging it down the drain. These chemicals can be chlorine, salt, copper, silver, bromine, acid or soda ash depending on the type of pool.
Reliable: These robots have in-service proof of years of reliable service. To improve and ensure on-going maintenance of service, EnviroPools Asia is the only approved Service centre in Malaysia for Robo-Tek/iCleaner robots. Most small repairs can be done by the owner, but EPA is available for servicing if required and caries the full range of spares and parts should they be required assuring of on-going support.
Extension of life to pool sand filter overhaul: By removing most of the dirt ,grit and debris from going through the pool pump and sand filter Has the following effects:
Reduced grit which erodes pumps impellors and wears bearings
Reduces siltation and compaction of the sand filter – therefore extends life of main sand filter beyond 4-5 years….saves significant cost in down time, labour and material by extending period between changing sand filter medium.
Improves agitation and flow of pool water: Eliminates any “dead” spots which may be susceptible to algae concentrations or growths caused by poor positioning of the inlet valves into the pool causing a poor flow and circulation pattern around the pool.
Works in ALL Weather: All Robots work in all weather....unlike people. Rain or sun, day or night. Plug in and push the button and the Robots can be left unattended for up to 4 hours of continuous cleaning, Rain, hail or shine, day or night.

Spares & Servicing
EnviroPools Asia full aftersales support of all products in terms of repairs and spares. This ensures continued reliable use of the products after purchase. We have a comprehensive spares support for the DIY repair if required or a fully equiped repair capability either on site or at our service centre.